Spring brings many changes to our campuses here in Flagler County. Our teachers are able to take their classrooms outside more and on our campuses, you’ll see gardens springing up, as students are able to put lessons learned inside the classroom to practical use. This enables them to see with their own eyes the lessons they first discovered in a textbook come to life.
This is also a time for our annual assessments, as students are tested on their mastery of their core classes. I want to commend our students, teachers, staff and administrators for preparing for these exams. I’ve asked everyone to finish this year strong and take it a day, or a week, at a time. I want all of us to take a moment to check on a child, check on a teacher and check on a staff member to make sure they’re okay and ready to take on this challenge.

After testing, of course, there is celebration. I’d like to congratulate all of our students, teachers, staff and parents for completing another school year. I realize that there were challenges along the way, but I am so proud of everybody for all of their hard work and dedication to make this another great year for Flagler Schools.

Flagler Schools recently concluded our annual Communication Survey. I want to personally thank everyone who took the time to complete it. This has always been a great tool to check how we are communicating with our families. Improved communication is part of our Strategic Plan and we are committed to finding the best ways to keep everyone informed, whether they are a parent, student, employee or community member.

Finally, as we start to wind down the 2021-2022 school year, Flagler Schools is also beginning to ramp up planning for the 2022-2023 session. Next year we will face changes such as moving 6th grade to middle school, rezoning some students and transitioning to a 7-period day at the high schools. I realize that change is never easy, but I am confident that with teamwork and patience, we can make it an amazing year. Please continue to check our district website, www.flaglerschools.com, for any and all updates as we prepare for the future.
Working Together,

Cathy Mittelstadt
Superintendent, Flagler Schools