As we enter the fall season, I am pleased to share that the school year is off to a fantastic start! Our students, teachers and staff have shown remarkable dedication, and I am deeply grateful for the hard work they put in each day. Your trust in us to educate and nurture your children is something we do not take lightly, and I want to personally thank you for your continued support.
This October, we are excited to celebrate CHARACTER COUNTS! Week, from October 21-25. During this week, we will focus on the Six Pillars of Character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship. These values are essential in shaping our students’ academic journeys and their growth as individuals who contribute positively to our community.
I would also like to take this opportunity to recognize and thank our incredible custodians and bus operators for their tireless dedication and hard work. Custodians, you ensure that our schools remain clean, safe and welcoming environments where our students can thrive. Bus operators, your commitment to safely transporting our students each day plays a vital role in their education and well-being. While we will honor you on National Custodian Day, October 2, and during National School Bus Safety Week, October 21-25, please know that your outstanding work is appreciated every single day. You are truly valued members of our school community.
As our county continues to grow, we must keep pace with the needs of our students and schools. Two important tax referendums will be on the ballot on November 5, which are critical to the future of our district. These referendums will provide the much-needed funds to build new schools, improve school safety and enhance technology in the classroom. Additionally, they will allow us to offer competitive salaries to our teachers and staff, ensuring that we continue to attract and retain top talent to maintain the high standard of education St. Johns County is known for.
In addition, I am excited to announce a special recruitment event, "Come Drive the Bus with Us," for those interested in becoming school bus drivers. On October 12, 2024, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., we invite anyone who might be interested in this important role to join us at the First Coast Technical College Safety Campus, located at 3640 Gaines Rd., St. Augustine. This event offers a unique opportunity to meet with our district team members and even take a test drive on our designated track before applying. We hope you will consider joining us or spreading the word to anyone who may be interested.
I wish you and your families an enjoyable and refreshing fall season. Together, we will continue to support our students in becoming future leaders equipped with strong academic skills and excellent character.

Tim Forson
Superintendent of Schools