How is technology integrated into the classroom?
Media specialists serve as the technology leads at each school, receiving monthly training on various topics, including technology integration. In addition, teachers can participate in professional learning sessions led by our Applied Technology Program Specialists that focus on district technology that can be integrated into classrooms. Each site Technology Support Specialist works with staff to make sure they are aware of the functionality of each piece of technology and the basics of connecting and utilizing various functions of the equipment.
What specific digital skills do you believe are essential for students to learn in today’s educational environment?
In today's educational environment, students must develop proficiency in digital literacy, including critically evaluating online information and using various digital tools effectively. Additionally, strong skills in collaboration and communication through digital platforms are essential for success in both academic and future professional settings.

How can parents identify and nurture their children's interests in technology-related fields, such as coding or digital design?
Parents can identify and nurture their children's interests in technology-related fields by exposing them to various tech activities, many of which are offered in the SJCSD. Schools offer STEM electives and summer camps focusing on coding and robotics, and our CTE courses provide students with opportunities to learn about careers concentrating on technology. Encouraging hands-on experimentation and providing access to resources like online tutorials or community programs can further cultivate their passion and skills in these areas. Additionally, many of our elementary and middle schools have active Robotics Clubs that compete at the district, regional and state levels. Our students and coaches have been recognized for excellence in these areas, and our clubs have grown from just a few to over 25 in just the last three years.
With regard to technology in the classroom, what changes can parents expect in the future?
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has significantly impacted the technology sector, including in educational settings. This technology enables lessons to be customized according to individual student needs and interests, assists in providing accommodations and supports educators with administrative tasks. As a result, parents can anticipate a more personalized approach to their child's education while ensuring a secure and effective learning environment. The District currently endorses using Microsoft CoPilot Ai, which provides student data security.