As the flowers of May abound, Mother’s Day and the final weeks of school are upon us. As a community, this month, we honor mothers, grandmothers and motherly figures for their wisdom and for their love and commitment to their children and our families. I also thank you, our big-hearted, open-minded community, for a successful 2022-2023 school year.
As I write this article, I am mindful of the cyclical nature of public education, the magic of learning, the excitement and the possible angst that looms amongst students this time of year. So many youngsters across our district are preparing for grade school transitions. Preschoolers throughout our community are getting ready for kindergarten and beyond, our fifth-grade students are moving on to the critical formative years of middle school, eighth graders will soon be considered “high schoolers” and our seniors will be stepping into the next chapter of their lives. I’m incredibly proud of our graduating seniors, who are now entering careers, college or the military, equipped with resilience and a desire to make their positive mark on our world.
The end of the school year is a time to celebrate accomplishments and the contributions of those moving to new adventures. Every day, our students offer a smile or hand when they notice a friend in need, work alongside peers who may be struggling, guide buddies in multi-age activities and take the time to teach and cheer each other at sporting events and on the playground. The most uplifting experiences are interacting with students and observing the ways in which they are kind to others.
Every day, I am also reminded how blessed we are to be in a community that supports educational excellence for all students. We are such a thoughtful and kind community. All of us play a vital role in creating unparalleled learning experiences for our students and in ensuring they have access to the resources and support to be successful. The future of our school district remains bright. Continuing to partner with parents and other stakeholders to foster continuous improvements in student safety, achievement and relationships will always be our priorities.
As I close, I want to thank each of you for your partnerships and support this year. Your dedication to our students is vital to the success of our community. Volusia County Schools is a very special place that will continue to thrive due to the generous, committed and thoughtful individuals across this community.

Dr. Carmen J. Balgobin
Superintendent of Schools